Monday, July 2, 2012

Slowly, but surly (I think)

Today I had my second post op visit with my podiatrist. I had my stitches removed. I was really nervous about the stitches being removed, however it was pretty painless and fairly quick. I had a total of six stitches. After the stitches were removed I bombarded my doctor with a bunch of questions because at this point I'm confused. I'm not really sure why he would tell me I would need 10mm of lengthening when I obviously need way more! Today I told him I am at 14mm. I asked him how much longer he thought i would have to turn for. he said about 2 more weeks, which is 14mm more. So now he is telling I need about 28mm of lengthening? This is frustrating me. Instead of him guestimating he should come up with a real number. I also asked him if he thought I would need to use a bone stimulator. He said hopefully not. It seems as if things are touch and go right now. Who knows, when I will be done lengthening? 

I did get some good news. I was told that I can take a shower without covering my foot now. I am a lil hesitant about doing so though. I don't really want to look at my foot. It looks kinda gross so I had the doc cover it up again. Plus I think my foot is still secreting serous fluid. So I will give it another week before I uncover it.

My next appt isn't for another 2 weeks. I'll probably pay the doc a visit before then. hopefully my toe will be the desired length by than.


  1. Did your doc say anything about the fluid that's coming out of the wound? My doc explained to me that he couldn't give me an exact number until we get closer to the desired length. It's really a day-by-day sort of thing. I'm sorry that you're frustrated and not getting the clear information you need from him. Just hang in there and keep being your own best advocate.

  2. My doctor never really said anything about the serous fluid. He said it was normal and not to be alarmed, its not blood. Also, ypu can ignore my question about how many mm you need to distract. You answered the question here. ;)
